Monday, August 20, 2012

I am going to try to blog more!!!

Hi Everyone,

I doubt many of you will read this as you have probably given up looking at my blog..seems like these days after working, taking care of the kiddo, making dinner, feeding Levi, giving him a bath, bottle, putting him down, cleaning up the dishes, packing lunches for the next day.... the only thing i want to do is jump in bed and shut my eyes....Blogging has DEFINITELY been on the back burner! But I have been checking all your blogs frequently, my dear friends! And you all have inspired me to get a writin'!

I have done a few things this past month that I am rather proud of!

1) I have started cloth diapering :)    (okay i still use disposables here and there but for the most part I am rocking the cloth)  I really really love it! It is a bit pricey to get started but I love the fact that I have not bought disposable diapers for about a month! Also, there is SOO much less garbage. I will tell you all about my cloth diapering adventures on another post.

2) I have made some of my own baby food  (carrots, peaches and peas). Talk about domestic ;)

3) I went on a tandem bike with my hubby for the first time last weekend! It was scary as can be to have NO control, but really fun :) A very good trusting exercise!

4) I learned to make authentic Mexican mole and green salsa.. YUMMY

5) Levi has learned to roll over! He also gives me his own form of kisses by trying to suck on my face ;) what a cutie!

I am not going to promise pictures very often, but I will try to at least check in once a week.. That is it for now folks! Have a wonderful day :)


1 comment:

  1. That green salsa was amazing!! I should have written down your instructions! And I think its way cool that you are making your own baby food and trying cloth diapers :)
