Monday, September 19, 2011

It has been awhile-I am sorry!

I have got to be the most terrible blogger ever! It has been almost 2 months since my last entry. I hope you are all doing well and had an enjoyable summer. As most of you know by now I am pregnant and have been "out of commission" for quite a while with the sickies. While I have not left the house much for fear of vomiting on or in front of an innocent stranger, I have tried to get my daily exercise by walking down to my garden. Believe me, when you are in bed all day, walking down 3 flights of stairs and 50 meters feels like a half marathon. So I will try posting some pictures of how well my garden has done :)  Even though I have done nothing but look at it and talk to the tomatoes every few days, I still would like to take credit for how well it turned out. I need to take credit for something okay?  I can't even take credit for doing the dishes because they make me gag or throw up. I would like to take this time to tell the whole world (well more like the 5 people who actually read my blog) what an amazing husband I have. For the past month and a half he has done all the cleaning, laundry, (not cooking, I can't handle any smells so I make him eat out) and has sat through countless of my emotional meltdowns over the misery of being so sick during this pregnancy.... He has cleaned up my vomit from about every surface of the apartment, held my hand during the especially painful vomiting sessions, gave me enemas when I was so constipated I could barely move, and you know what he told me recently? He told me that he loved me more than he ever has before. Now that is AMAZING!

Anyway, I may not have very many pictures to post until I start actually doing something again, but I may still blog to just say hi and tell you some accomplishments of my day.... even if it is only doing an entire load of laundry without puking!! That is HUGE, so no laughing anybody!

Some pics of my garden :)

I will post more of my tomatoes and corn soon. I will take a trip out there this afternoon :)

Thanks for reading, XOXOX Amy


  1. So glad you were able to post!!! Lovely garden. I bet those tomatoes are "singing" with al the attention they are getting. (I also love to talk to my plants). There is so much we have in common.... Debbie

  2. What accomplishments today? R u dressed without getting sick? That can be huge. Only a few more weeks! ;)

  3. Those strawberries look good! I read an easy way to prepare tomatoes if you don't feel like eating them all right now. I'm definitely going to try it, have tomatoes coming out of my ears :)
