Wednesday, November 2, 2011

My Alphabet Search!

Good Morning!

I need your help folks! I am trying to collect all 26 letters of the alphabet and I will tell you why. I found this great nursary idea online a while back and I absolutely love it!

So, I am on the search for letters. Once I find all of my letters I will paint them the same color to match the bedding and decor of the room.

The letters I have are crossed out in green:

I found 3 letters a few days back at Northwest Christian Thrift for 25 cents each.. V, A & Y (They lady actually gave them to me for free because I only had my debit card) .

Then, this weekend my friend and co-worker Mollie found 3 more letters for me at the Goodwill, and the clerk also gave them to her for free!! They were the letters G, E, & N.

I am going to spend the next months looking for letters. If I am a few short near the end, I can always buy the wooden ones at the craft stores and paint them, but for now I want to see how many I can find at thrift stores ect. It will be like a treasure hunt!

Here is where I need your help! If you happen to see some letters (any shape, any size, any color I don't care) can you pick them up for me? No more then 3 bucks each please, if possible. I will totally pay you back! I will update you as I find letters so we can all be on the same page.
