Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Letter Update...

We are doing remarkably well on the letter search. There are just a few more to find. If I don't find them in the next 2 months, I will just buy them at Joanne's or Michaels. I would much rather find them at a thrift store, but at least I have a back-up plan :)

Oh where, oh where are the following letters??

B   D   I   J   K   R   T   U   W   Z

We will find you!!



  1. Thanks for the update! I'm always on the look for letters!

  2. Sorry that is a U as in the word under, utter, umbrella....i should probably change my font.

  3. got my eye out for letters! have been updating the list on my phone! That said the letters seem to be hiding from me :)

  4. I looked and looked at the antique mall and NOTHING! But I'm not done!!!
