Tuesday, October 4, 2011

On the mend...

Hi Everyone,

I have some good news! I am definitely on the mend. Not feeling 100% but SOooooooo much better than I was before. I am so thankful that most of the vomiting has ceased! Thank the Lord! I have been able to come to work again (not back to full-time yet) but I will get there :) I have gained back 5 pounds which means I am eating again.. woooo hoooo! Still rather picky with foods, but overall I can eat quite a bit more. I ate 2 pieces of pizza last night!!!!!! I have not started cooking yet as smells still tend to bother me, but I figure in a few weeks you will be able to call me Julia Child ;)

We are moving into our rental house next Thursday. I am SO excited. We have started working on getting the inside "move-in ready" and I want to give a special thanks to My parents, Joe and Renae Kim, Diane Hooper and my hubby for all of their hard work cleaning :) It it so nice to have friends help us out!

I am enjoying the weather change. Fall is definitely my favorite season. It starts to get a little chilly which is fun as you get to change up the wardrobe a little bit. I love when all of the leaves start to change colors. I can't wait to go up to greenbluff one of these days and pick up some pumpkins to put on my front porch. I love all of the autumn decorations they have at the craft stores such as the pretty leaves and candles ect..

I am just in a happy place. Happy to be feeling better, happy for the new season, happy to be moving, happy to have wonderful friends and family, happy that my baby is growing well, just happy to be alive.

I may start posting pictures of the new house and the projects we are working on if I get the chance.

Have a great day everyone!


  1. I am so glad you are better!! Yeah!! I am without Internet after tonite, but will get on at the airport before returning home next Wednesday. Please email a msg to me when I can come help you unpack.

  2. oh..my mom is sweet! :) So glad you are feeling better. Wish I could visit soon, but it may be a little while...
