Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To Do List before Levi Comes-Week One Check-In 2/14/2012

I have completed a few things this first week!! :):) 6 more weeks to go!

Assemble carseat and stroller-DONE

Assemble lamp for his room-DONE

Stock up on canned goods/non-perishable items
Organize my pantry (once it's full of stuff from #3)

Labor and Delivery Class (February 4th)-DONE
It was actually a very good class and I learned a lot. It was a long 8 hour day but I think it was quite worth it.

Baby Shower (February 11th)-It was WONDERFUL :) I will post pictures later on.

"Project Life" L&D Class and Shower
Make one or two more paper bag albums just for fun :)
Find a recipe and make a rich lobster chowder! That has been sounding good these days.
Catch up on my New Testament Bible reading.
Keep walking and swimming a few times a week!
Make cinnamon rolls from scratch!
Maternity Photos with Orlando....
Go on a date with my husband that HE would find fun (maybe hiking or something outdoorsy. Not exactly my idea of a fun date, but worth it if it would be really FUN for him)
Get all my addresses together for baby announcements-print out address labels/buy a large thing of stamps from Costco.
Start researching for a new computer with larger screen, or a desk-top with 2 screens...My laptop is running on its last leg...

Still have lots to do, but at least I was able to check off a few things! Will update you all next week.
Love, Amy


    1. Yay for crossing things off! His room looks great by the way!

    2. Ditto Renae! List ladies love to scratch off tasks. Go amy go!
