Friday, January 13, 2012

11 things I want to accomplish this 3 day weekend....

  1. I will thoroughly clean my kitchen.
  2. I will make a new crock pot recipe.
  3. I will complete all of the laundry.
  4. I will complete these tasks and complete blog postings on the following:
    1. Levi's dresser makeover (project all done except final pictures)
    2. Levi's door sign (project all done except hanging it up and taking pictures)
    3. Levi's finished painted room (85 % done, Orlando will finish the rest hopefully this weekend)
    4. Levi's Alphabet letters all up on the wall!!!!!! (Just need Orlando's help putting them up on the wall and final pictures)
    5. Bathroom Scrub-a-Dub-Dub DIY project (Project complete, just need to hang them up on the bathroom wall and take pictures)
  5. I will spend some time playing with my new camera and learning how to use it!
  6. I will take a long nap every day this weekend!! (this should really be #1 :)
  7. I will search on craigslist for a good rocking chair for my baby room.
  8. I will read my bible every morning.
  9. I will do something fun with my husband (maybe go on a fun date!!)
  10. Do some sort of exercise at least 2 of the days.
  11. I will spend some time to just sit on my futon, look out the window at the sunshine (hopefully there will be some) and relax and reflect on the many things I am thankful for.

It will be a good productive weekend! I hope you have a nice one too!



  1. Wow! Quite a list :). It will be fun to hear of your progress.

  2. Hope you got a bunch checked off your list! :)
