Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Well Folks, The Letters are Up!!

The letters are up!!! We decided since we are currently renting this lovely house, we better not put a million nail holes in the wall.

1) So I bought 2 long pieces of wood from Lowe's and painted them the same blue as the wall. (this was my hubby's idea! isn't he smart??) 
2) We then used small nails and hot glue to place the letters on the wood. Having these 2 wood strips made it a LOT easier to space out the letters and get them in the perfect place too.

Our little boy is going to know his A B C's at a very young age!

What a FUN project this was! Thanks again for everyone who contributed letters! You guys are awesome!

Mollie Shirman
Debbie Clark
Jill Guest
Renae Kim

Thanks again everyone! Have a great day :)


  1. Wow! Those look so wonderful! Glad I could contribute! :)

  2. Great idea for attaching the letters...yeah Orlando! It looks awesome. I love all the different sizes and fonts. Lovely job of decorating them. Perfect.

  3. Another project crossed off! Love the idea for less holes! and they look great! Perfect for a little boy's room!

  4. Awesome alphabets. You did a great job with this.

    As far as photographing page protectors,i usually use a well lit room (lit from different lights so there areno shadows) and i prop the book at an angle. i usually try many positions to find no glare. i dont use a flash. i use a low aperature, usually at 3 or3.5. hold camera super steady so its not blurry. the pictures turn out dark but i brighten them up in in picassa. hope this helps! this process is super difficult andannoying but once you get it down it gets easier. good luck!
